• Bangladesh Fisheries And Animal Conservation Ltd.
  • Bangladesh Fisheries And Animal Conservation Ltd.
  • Bangladesh Fisheries And Animal Conservation Ltd.

A Large proportion of Banglideshi populace suffer from acute malnutrition due to inadequate supply of protein. Fortunately, Bangladesh is a land of rivers with huge potentials of growing fishes and other aquatic animals. However, most of the large rivers are loosing their navigability and thus the natural growth of fishes have been seriously affected which has caused severe scarcity of fishes in the country. Our limited land also does not permit enough grazing field for the cattle to develop in a natural way which causes hindrance in the development of dairy farms. Consquently, the natural protein sources are gradually declining.

Bangladesh Fisheries and Animal Conservation Ltd. (BFAC), an unit of Bangladesh Development Group, is taking care to supply fish and meat through fisheries in the stagnant water like lakes & canals and dairy firms in the rural areas along with modern slaughter house. BFAC is also working for conservation of the rare species of birds and animals for sustaining the ecological balances.


  • 1.  Supply Fish and Meat
  • 2.  Stagnant Water like Lakes & Canals
  • 3.  Dairy Firms in the Rural Areas